Author, Abigail Fekete

Abigail Fekete

Content Writer.

27 Published Posts

Welcome to my budgie blog, your ultimate resource for expert budgie care tips and advice. Whether you're an experienced bird owner or a first-time budgie parent, this blog provides you with all the information you need to keep your pet healthy, happy, and entertained. From accessories to the best diet and bird wellness, I’ll lay down all the knowledge I’ve gathered over the years. My name is Abigail and I have 14 years of experience raising and keeping budgies. Since age twelve I’ve been fascinated with parrots and their marvelous nature. I’ve had birds for the majority of my life, this has had a positive impact on my character as it has inspired me to learn interesting facts and have out-of-ordinary experiences. I find ornithology and avian medicine fascinating. I have a lot of specific information and advice on budgie care that I’d love to share with you.

Recent Menus by Abigail Fekete

Creating an Enriching Environment for Budgies

Budgie Toys and Accessories

Creating an enriching environment for budgies and small companion parrots involves understanding their natural instincts and providing toys that cater to their physical, mental, and social needs. The variety of toys available in the market allows for a customized approach to meet the preferences of individual birds. Regular interaction, observation, and a commitment to promoting a stimulating environment contribute to the overall well-being of these intelligent and charming feathered companions

Budgie Poop: Understanding Normal vs Abnormal Droppings for Pet Bird Health

Budgie Poop: Maintaining Your Feathered Friend's Health

Beyond their playful antics and colorful plumage, there's an often-overlooked aspect of budgie care that serves as a valuable health indicator — their poop. While it may not be the most glamorous topic, understanding the nuances of budgie droppings can provide crucial insights into their well-being. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating world of budgie poop, exploring its normal characteristics, potential irregularities, and the vital role it plays in monitoring the health of these feathered companions.

The Radiant Connection: How Infrared Light Enhances Pet Bird Health

The Radiant Connection: How Infrared Light Enhances the Health and Well-being of Pet Birds - TheBudgieBlog

Pet birds, with their vibrant plumage and lively personalities, bring joy and companionship to countless households. Beyond the basics of nutrition and a safe environment, the influence of light, specifically infrared light, on the health and well-being of these feathered companions is a fascinating and often underestimated aspect of avian care. This comprehensive exploration aims to unravel the intricate ways in which infrared light positively impacts the physical health, behavior, and overall vitality of pet birds.

Safely Feed Your Budgies a Variety of Herbs for Better Health

Discover the Best Herbs to Enhance Your Budgies' Health and Happiness

Feeding your budgies and other pet birds a balanced and appropriate diet is crucial for their health and well-being. Herbs can be a great addition to their diet, providing not only variety but also health benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss various herbs that are safe for budgies and birds, explaining their nutritional value, potential health benefits, and how to introduce them into your feathered friends' diet.

Why Do Budgies Fight? Understanding the Causes and Dynamics

Why Do Budgies Fight? Understanding the Causes of Budgie Fights

Budgerigars are known for their charming and sociable nature, but like any social species, they are not immune to conflicts and disputes. Budgie fights can arise for a variety of reasons, ranging from competition for resources to establishing dominance within a flock. Understanding the underlying causes of budgie fights requires delving into their natural behavior, social structure, and the dynamics of their interactions.

Managing Avian Gastric Yeast: Insights and Treatment

Managing Avian Gastric Yeast: Effective Treatment and Prevention Tips for Budgie Owners

I started this whole blog just to share this information with the world.